How to Get More Views on eBay

How to Get More Views on eBay: The Ultimate Guide

Getting more views on your eBay listings is key to making more sales, but attracting an audience takes effort. This comprehensive guide reveals proven strategies on how to get more views on eBay so you can boost visibility, engage potential buyers, and ultimately drive profits. From optimizing listings with targeted keywords to leveraging social media platforms and offering free shipping, we outline actionable tips sellers of all experience levels can utilize right away. Follow these best practices, and you’ll be on your way to increased visibility and higher conversion rates on the popular ecommerce marketplace.

How to view how many watchers on your item on eBay?

To view the number of watchers from your computer as a buyer, please follow these step-by-step guides on how to view the number of watchers on your eBay items as a buyer and as a seller.

For Buyers

  • Visit the eBay website by launching your computer’s selected browser.
  • Enter your login credentials to access your eBay account.
  • To find the item you’re looking for, use the search box or the category selections.

View how many watchers on your item on eBay

  • Once you see the item, click on it to view more information about the product

Click on it to view more information about the product on eBay

  • From there, you’ll be able to see how many watchers the item has under the price of the product. Take note that if it doesn’t have any, it won’t be indicated as zero watchers.

See how many watchers the item on eBay

For Sellers

  • Access the ebay website from your browser and log into your account
  • Click on Selling from your ebay overview

Click on Selling from your ebay overview

  • You’ll be able to see all the activities you have on your products. You’ll see a summary of all the details your active listings have, like the number of bidders and watchers.

You'll be able to see all the activities you have on your products on Ebay

Viewing Watchers on the eBay App

You can also check the number of watchers on your eBay listings using the eBay app on your iOS or Android device:

  • Log in to your account: Open the eBay app and sign in to your account.
  • Access the main menu: Tap the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of the app.
  • Tap “Selling": Scroll down and tap “Selling" from the menu.


  • View your active listings: Just like on the website, you’ll see the details of all your active listings, including the number of watchers and bidders.

Check out best Selling Items on eBay to start your own business

How to get more views on ebay?

There are several strategies you can use to increase your eBay views and improve your sales.

1. Optimize your eBay listings for Keyword  in Titles

Keywords are key to visibility and sales on eBay. By researching relevant terms and incorporating them strategically into your listings, you can attract more views and buyers. Follow these tips for optimizing with keywords:

Conduct Keyword Research

Start by researching keywords potential buyers may use to find items like yours. Analyze top competitors’ listings and use tools like Google Trends, Ahrefs, Ubersuggest or Semrush to identify relevant and high-volume terms in your niche.

eBay monthly searches ubersuggest

Incorporate Keywords in Key Areas

Once you have identified the most relevant keywords, incorporate them into the following key areas of your listings:

  • Listing Titles: Craft descriptive but concise titles using your most essential keywords – up to 80 characters. Avoid stuffing or misleading titles.
  • Product Descriptions: Craft descriptions that are around 200 words, with important keyword phrases making up 5-7%. This means you should use your keywords approximately 10-14 times within the description without overusing them. Remember to provide accurate and relevant information about your product.
  • Categories: Select the most appropriate categories for your items, ensuring they align with your keywords.
  • Meta Tags: Incorporate relevant keywords in your meta tags to optimize your listings for search engine crawlers.
  • Image Alt Tags: Include descriptive keywords in your image alt tags to improve your SEO and make your images more accessible.

Avoid Misleading Keywords and Irrelevant Titles

While optimizing your eBay listings with keywords is crucial, it’s essential to avoid misleading buyers with unrelated keywords or titles that don’t match the item you’re selling. Misleading customers will not only hamper your reputation but also decrease your chances of making a sale.

Monitor and Adjust Your Keyword Strategy

As market trends and customer preferences evolve, it’s crucial to keep monitoring your keyword performance and make adjustments as needed. Track your listings’ performance, analyze your competitors’ strategies, and stay updated with trending keywords to maintain a successful keyword strategy that drives views and sales on eBay.

2. Use High-Quality Product Images

Great visuals grab attention and drive clicks. That makes optimized product images critical for eBay success. Follow these tips to create compelling photos that boost views:

Use Multiple High-Quality Images

Using eBay’s allowance of up to 12 images per listing is key. You should aim to upload 6-8 high quality photos showcasing your product from all angles. Capture the front, back, sides, close-ups of important details, and images of the product in use whenever relevant. Providing buyers the ability to inspect an item thoroughly from all sides increases their confidence and trust. The more angles they can see, the better idea they get of the product’s look, feel and size.

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Invest in Professional-Looking Photos

Quality matters far more than quantity when it comes to product images. Invest time and effort into capturing well-lit, high resolution photos using professional equipment like digital SLR cameras, tripods, and lightboxes. Take images outdoors in natural sunlight when possible for optimal lighting. Use self-timers and tripods to eliminate shake and blur. Crisp, clear, vivid images accurately showcase your products and grab buyers’ attention.

Enhance Your Images with Editing

Post-processing your photos through image editing tools can significantly enhance their quality. Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, cropping, and more to perfect them. Carefully remove backgrounds and any blemishes for a clean, professional presentation. However, maintain realism – avoid extreme filtering or modifications that could mislead buyers about the actual product.

Use Realistic Mockups If Necessary

If unable to invest in professional photography equipment and lighting set-ups, consider using mockups. Platforms like Placeit offer affordable, quality mockups to showcase products realistically. Just ensure any mockups you use accurately represent your real inventory. You don’t want to mislead buyers with photos that don’t match the actual items.

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Stay Updated with eBay’s Image Requirements

eBay periodically updates its requirements for image dimensions, formats, and other specifications. Keep up with the rules to ensure your photos display properly on the site and get maximum visibility in search results. Compliance with eBay’s evolving guidelines is crucial for optimized images that perform well.

With strategic optimization and compelling photos, your eBay listings will stand out, drive more views and sales.

3. Price Your Products correctly

Setting competitive prices for your eBay listings is a crucial aspect of attracting more views and sales. Proper pricing can improve your visibility in search results, and ultimately contribute to your success as an eBay seller. Here are some tips for pricing your products correctly on eBay:

Conduct Competitive Research

Before pricing your products, research what competitors charge for similar items. Analyze how many other sellers offer comparable products and the price ranges they use. This market research provides valuable context on current pricing standards and expectations. It helps you set competitive prices aligned with your niche’s norms that appeal to buyers. Don’t just guess – do the research.

Utilize eBay’s Pricing Recommendations

eBay provides data-driven pricing suggestions when creating listings, based on analysis of similar sold listings. These reflect the current true market value. Consider eBay’s recommendations strongly when pricing items, as they represent actionable intelligence on competitive pricing. But supplement with your own research.

Employ Psychologically Appealing Prices

Use psychological pricing strategies proven to influence buyer perceptions. Odd prices like $19.99 appear more thought out than rounded numbers like $20. This makes items seem like a better deal and value. Employ pricing psychology to drive more sales.

Avoid Price Wars

While competing for the lowest price can lead to more views, it can also result in a price war or a “race to the bottom." Both you and your competitors risk losing money if you continuously undercut each other’s prices. Only aim for the lowest price as a last resort, and focus on providing value through other aspects of your listing.

Highlight Quality and Value

For lower prices, showcase quality through images and descriptions. For higher prices, explain the unique features and benefits that justify premium pricing. Effective listings convert shoppers to buyers by reinforcing the value you provide.

With the right pricing research, psychology, and value communication, you’ll find the ideal profitable price point for your eBay listings.

4. Boosting Your Seller Rating and Reputation

Your seller rating and reputation play a significant role in how your listings rank in eBay search results. A higher rating can lead to better visibility and more views for your products.eBay seller ratings

Here are some tips to improve your seller rating and reputation on eBay:

Monitor Your Performance Metrics

Keep a close eye on your performance metrics in the Seller Hub. If you notice any decline in your ratings, take note and make necessary adjustments to improve your performance. Regularly reviewing these metrics ensures you maintain a high seller rating.

Prioritize Communication

Prompt and polite communication is crucial to your seller account performance. Regularly check buyer messages and respond to them in a timely manner. Providing excellent customer service can lead to positive feedback, which in turn boosts your seller rating and reputation.

Be Transparent about Dispatch Time and Fees

Accurately convey dispatch time and fees in your listings to manage buyers’ expectations. Transparency in these areas keeps both Cassini and buyers satisfied, and can contribute to a better seller rating.

Address Negative Reviews

While it’s not always possible to remove negative reviews, you can take steps to rectify the situation. Reach out to the customer, address their concerns, and offer a solution. If you manage to resolve the issue, the buyer may be willing to remove the negative feedback and leave a positive review instead.

Focus on Excellent Customer Service

Delivering outstanding customer service can help you win lifelong customers and boost your ranking on eBay. Ensure that your communication is professional, your listings are accurate, and your shipping is timely. These factors contribute to a better overall experience for your customers, leading to positive feedback and a higher seller rating.

5. Use social media to promote your eBay listings

Social media platforms can be a powerful tool to promote your eBay listings, attract more views, and increase sales. Knowing the difference between organic and paid social media posts can help you decide the best approach for promoting your listings. Here’s an updated guide on using social media to promote your eBay listings.

Organic vs. Paid Social Media Posts

Organic social media posts are free and reach your existing followers, their followers if they share your posts, and those who follow or search for the hashtags you include. Paid social media posts, or sponsored posts, involve paying a fee to reach a broader audience beyond your organic reach. You can set a budget, target specific audiences, and track the post’s performance metrics.

optimize on social media

Consider using a mix of organic and paid posts, depending on your goals and budget. Organic posts can help establish your presence and engage with potential customers, while paid posts can drive targeted traffic to your eBay listings.

eBay Marketing Options

Explore eBay’s marketing tools to promote your listings, such as promotion boxes, promoted listings, and email marketing. These tools can help you highlight featured listings, gain enhanced visibility, and share exclusive offers with your subscribers to drive traffic and sales.

Create a Website

Creating a professional website for your eBay business can increase credibility and allow you to advertise listings and share more information. Use website builders like WordPress and follow eBay’s link policy when promoting your listings on your website.

Leverage Social Media Platforms

Maximize the potential of social media platforms to promote your eBay listings:

  • Facebook: Create a business page, invite friends and family, post engaging content, and respond to messages and comments promptly.
  • Twitter: Announce new listings, promotions, and news, and connect with potential customers by using popular hashtags and engaging with users tweeting about similar products.
  • Pinterest: Create attractive pins using your listing photos and free tools like Canva, and engage with other users on the platform to increase your visibility.

By utilizing social media platforms and eBay marketing tools, you can effectively promote your eBay listings, reach a wider audience, and ultimately boost your sales.

6. Boost Your eBay View with Guaranteed Delivery and Free Shipping

As eBay continues to evolve and compete with other online marketplaces like Amazon, offering Guaranteed Delivery and free shipping can significantly impact your listings’ visibility and sales. By providing these services, you can attract more buyers and enhance your reputation as a reliable seller.

eBay Guaranteed Delivery

eBay Guaranteed Delivery promises delivery by a specific deadline, usually within three days, similar to Amazon Prime’s two-day delivery. Offering Guaranteed Delivery provides sellers with several benefits, including:

  • Increased views on your listings
  • Protection against certain refund requests
  • Some customer service handled by eBay

Buyers can filter eBay listings to show only those with Guaranteed Delivery, making it an essential factor for sellers who want to stay competitive.

Free Shipping

Free shipping is another feature that buyers highly value when shopping on eBay. In fact, it ranks as the most important factor for many buyers. By offering both Guaranteed Delivery and free shipping, you can cater to the top preferences of eBay customers, ensuring that your listings show up in more searches and get filtered out less often.

7. Place Products in the Correct Categories

Selecting the appropriate category for your eBay listings is crucial for increasing visibility and helping potential buyers find your products. eBay’s search algorithm relies on the best match searches to suggest products based on the user’s search query. The algorithm takes into account the product category when determining which items to display in the search results.

When you list a product in the wrong category, even if it matches the user’s search term, eBay’s search engine may not recommend your product in the search results. This can lead to missed opportunities and potential loss of sales.

To ensure your products appear in the right search results, always take the time to choose the most relevant category for each listing. Carefully consider the primary function and characteristics of your product, and select the category that best represents it.

Avoid using unrelated keywords in your product titles or descriptions in an attempt to rank for more search terms. This practice can confuse the search algorithm and may result in your products showing up in irrelevant search results. While your products might gain visibility for those unrelated keywords, they are unlikely to convert into sales since they do not match the user’s actual search intent.

By placing your products in the correct categories and using relevant keywords, you can optimize your eBay listings for better visibility and increased sales. This is especially important when selling internationally, as the potential loss of sales due to miscategorized products can be significant across multiple countries.

8. Don’t try to cheat the system

Attempting to manipulate eBay’s system can lead to adverse consequences for your account and overall sales. It’s essential to maintain honest and accurate practices when listing your items. To avoid penalties, do not:

  • Use unrelated keywords
  • Categorizing your item in unrelated sections
  • Try to dodge the eBay catalog

While these tactics might temporarily increase your search appearances, they won’t lead to genuine interest from buyers. If your item isn’t what the buyer is looking for, they won’t click on it, resulting in no views for you.

If eBay detects any manipulative behavior, they may take actions such as:

  • Placing limitations on your account
  • Deleting your listings
  • Temporarily or permanently banning you from the platform

To protect your account and attract high-quality views, always provide accurate descriptions and relevant details for your items. By maintaining integrity and transparency in your listings, you can build trust with buyers and achieve long-term success on eBay.

Ready to Start Selling on eBay? Get Started with Merchize Today!

Taking the first steps towards success on eBay is simple and straightforward with Merchize. Follow these steps to set up your store and start selling:

Step 1: Sign Up for a Merchize Account

Begin by registering for a free Merchize account. Gain access to a vast catalog of over 300 top-quality products, an intuitive Mockup Generator, and a comprehensive network of carefully vetted print providers.

Step 2: Integrate with Merchize

Once you have a Merchize account, follow the provided instructions to connect your eBay store with our platform. After integration, you can proceed to design and create your best-selling products.

Step 3: Select, Design, and Publish Your Initial Product

With a diverse range of products at your disposal, finding the perfect items to sell on eBay is a breeze. Utilize our Mockup Generator to craft unique, customized products that can be seamlessly published to your store.

Step 4: Promote and Sell Your Products on eBay

With your store set up and ready, the final step is to promote your products and watch the sales roll in. When a product is sold, Merchize will promptly print, package, and ship the item directly to your customer’s doorstep.

In conclusion, understanding how to get more views on eBay is crucial for online sellers. By optimizing listings, offering competitive pricing, utilizing eBay marketing tools, leveraging social media, and providing excellent customer service, you can increase your visibility and boost sales. Start implementing these strategies today to enhance your eBay selling success.

Benjamin Nguyen is a pivotal Search Engine Optimization Leader at Merchize, he dedicating his efforts to providing valuable resources to those in the Print On Demand industry. Gleaning from years of hard-earned experience in both the publishing and writing industries, Benjamin shares his wealth of knowledge through meticulously crafted marketing tips, insightful selling guides, style & trend advice, and indispensable e-commerce tutorials.